> Bulletin-2-04, Feb. 2001

Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 13:37:18 +0000 (GMT)
From: martin dodge < m.dodge@ucl.ac.uk >
Subject: Cyber-Geography Research Bulletin, Vol. 2, No. 04, 23rd Feb. 2001

==   Cyber-Geography Research Bulletin, Vol. 2, No. 04, 23rd Feb. 2001  ==
==        < http://www.cybergeography.org/bulletin-2-04.html >          ==
== 				< ISSN 1471-3489 >   		 	==



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Welcome to the Cyber-Geography Research Bulletin. This is a regular, free, email bulletin to inform you of changes and new additions made to the Geography of Cyberspace Directory and the Atlas of Cyberspaces on the Cyber-Geography Research web site. The bulletin is distributed every couple of months, depending on how much time I have available for my cyberspace exploration.

This bulletin is available on the Web at http://www.cybergeography.org/bulletin-2-04.html

I am happy to acknowledge the support of CORPEX. They are kindly sponsoring the Cyber-Geography Research web site.


The Geography of Cyberspace Directory
* http://www.cybergeography.org/geography_of_cyberspace.html *
* http://www.geog.ucl.ac.uk/casa/martin/geography_of_cyberspace.html *


New for the "Mapping the Internet" section:

* Another IP address geo-location company called RealMapping. ( http://www.realmapping.com )


New in the "Visualising Information Space" section:

* Kahn, P., 2001, Mapping Websites (Rotovision). ( http://www.rotovision.com/pages/jwm72.html )
[Buy the book from Amazon.com and support Cyber-Geography Research]


New for the "References" section:

* Claffy K.C., 2001, "CAIDA: Visualizing the Internet", Internet Computing Online, January 2001.
( http://computer.org/internet/v5n1/caida.htm )

* Kotkin, J., 2000, The New Geography: How the Digital Revolution is Reshaping the American Landscape, (Random House). ( http://www.newgeography.com )
[Buy the book from Amazon.com and support Cyber-Geography Research]

* Kwan M., 2001, "Cyberspatial cognition and individual access to information: the behavioral foundation of cybergeography", Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, January 2001, Vol. 28, No. 1, pages 21-37.
( http://www.envplan.com/epb/abstracts/b28/b2560.html )

* Leinbach T.R. & Brunn S.D., 2001, The Worlds of Electronic Commerce: Economic, Geographical and Social Dimensions, (John Wiley and Sons). ( http://www.wiley.com )
[Buy the book from Amazon.com and support Cyber-Geography Research]

* Townsend A., 2001, "The Internet and the rise of the new network cities, 1969 - 1999", Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, January 2001, Vol. 28, No. 1, pages 39-58.
( http://www.envplan.com/epb/abstracts/b28/b2688.html )

* Warf B., 2001, "Segueways into cyberspace: multiple geographies of the digital divide", Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, January 2001, Vol. 28, No. 1, pages 3-19.
( http://www.envplan.com/epb/abstracts/b28/b2691.html )

* Wilson, M.I., 2001, "Location, location, location: the geography of the dot com problem", Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, January 2001, Vol. 28, No. 1, pages 59-71.
( http://www.envplan.com/epb/abstracts/b28/b2692t.html )


New for the "Relevant Courses2 section:

* Course title: "Mapping Cyberspace", winter 2001; Lecturer: Sara Fabrikant; Institution: Department of Geography, University of California Santa Barbara. ( http://www.geog.ucsb.edu/~sara/teaching/geo234/home.html )


An Atlas of Cyberspaces
* http://www.cybergeography.org/atlas/atlas.html *
* http://www.cybergeography.com/atlas/atlas.html *
* http://www.geog.ucl.ac.uk/casa/martin/atlas/atlas.html *
* Italian Language http://www.museoscienza.org/museovr/cybergeography/ *

Addition of a number of interesting new mapping projects.


New for the "Conceptual Maps" page:

* The Internet Genome Project. ( http://www.internetgenome.com )


New for the "Artistic" page:

* The WonderWalker: a global online wunderkammer created by Marek Walczak and Martin Wattenberg. ( http://wonderwalker.walkerart.org )


New for the "Cables & Satellites" page:

* The Bandwidth Bay interactive map of fiberoptic networks and wired buildings in downtown San Diego. ( http://www.sangis.org/sangis/intmaps/fibermap.htm )


New for the "Census Maps" page:

* Animated maps tracking the growth of the Internet in Europe through the 1990s produced by Eric Guichard. ( http://barthes.ens.fr/atelier/cartes/ )


New for the "Information Maps" page:

* WebMap a new interactive, multi-level directory map of Web sites. ( http://www.webmap.com )


New for the "ISP Maps" page:

* The Internet traffic weather map of the TEN-155 research network in Europe.
( http://sigma.dante.org.uk/mystere/mesh-map/ )



Please remember there is a European mirror site for the Atlas of Cyberspaces at http://www.geog.ucl.ac.uk/casa/martin/atlas/. (This mirror is kindly provided by the Department of Geography, University College London.)


Map of the Month
* http://www.cybergeography.org/maps/ *
* http://mappa.mundi.net/maps/ *

The Map of the Month columns are now being published online in Mappa.Mundi Magazine.

* January's column looked HotSauce, an experimental Web fly through application developed by R.V. Guha in the mid 1990s.

* February's column looked at the Netscan project which maps the social geography of Usenet news.


* http://www.mappingcyberspace.com *

Mapping Cyberspace, by Martin Dodge & Rob Kitchin
Published by Routledge; October 2000: 246x174: 296pp
Paperback ISBN 0-415-19884-4: £19.99 / $32.99


Mapping-Cyberspace Discussion List

If you're interested in discussing the wider issues of measuring and mapping the Internet and the Web why not join the new Mapping-Cyberspace List. It is a free and unmoderated mailing list.

Full details on the list and how to join are available at:

Or just send email to: jiscmail@jiscmail.ac.uk
with the message: join mapping-cyberspace firstname lastname
(E.g. join mapping-cyberspace John Smith)



thanks for your attention
martin dodge


I welcome your comments on the usefulness of the bulletin and also on my Web pages. Suggestions for new information on the theme of the geography of the Internet, WWW and Cyberspace are also welcome. Send them to m.dodge@ucl.ac.uk.

If you want to be removed from the update bulletin distribution list please email me at m.dodge@ucl.ac.uk, with a subject line like "Please remove me from the update bulletin", remembering to include your email address.

(Copyright (c) Martin Dodge, 2001)
